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Monday, July 21, 2008

Do People Buy Landlines Anymore?

Of the 140 million cell phone users in the United States, over seven million have eschewed landlines altogether. While cell phones are convenient and allow you to do a variety of things - like browse online, send files, play games, listen to music, etc. - some people are reluctant to get rid of their landlines. Here are some of their reasons.

They need it for TiVo, DSL, or satellite TV. Often, these services require that you have a landline. If you want to use your wireless phone more but keep these features, you can opt for a minimal landline package for that purpose and use the cell phone for calls. And you may not even need a landline for DSL. You need the connections, but some phone carriers will let you have the service without having to purchase a calling package. Check into this if you are afraid of getting rid of your landline for this reason.

Long distance calling is also a concern for some people. With cell phones, long distance is included, but if you go over your minute allotment, you can watch your bill go sky high. A lot of phone companies offer landline packages with unlimited long distance calling, which can work out to be a better deal for those who talk to people outside their calling range more frequently - and who don't want to wait until nine o'clock at night or the weekends to make phone calls. This is improving, though, and you may be able to find a good wireless company that can better accommodate the types of calls you make.

Other people, as hard as it is to believe, live in regions where cell service is spotty at best. For these people, landlines are necessary. For most other people, though, transitioning to a cell phone only may make sense. In any case, having a cell phone does make life more convenient. It is becoming more convenient each day. Just a few years ago, you weren't able to even do a phone number search for a cell number. Now that is possible, as is much, much more. Will the landline die? Maybe not this year or next, but cell phones are definitely taking over!

Susan has an undying knack for tech gadgets and cool tech websites. You can check out her latest techie project--a tool to find out who owns a cell phone number--at

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